Star Trek & Tachyons

  • "...while trapped in an illusion created by an alien, Captain Janeway came to believe that she was being affected by a temporal anomaly, and attempted to use a tachyon burst to disperse it. 


See also




 "A tachyon detection grid is a method of detecting cloaked starships. Originally developed by Starfleet it involves various starships or sentry posts transmitting tachyon beams between them to create a tachyon field. Any cloaked vessel attempting to navigate through the field would be exposed.  The first practical application was by a Starfleet task force led by the USS Enterprise-D in 2368. The grid successfully managed to detect a Romulan convoy as it attempted to penetrate Klingon space. " -  

As cobra has said Confederation ships use tachyons for cloaking purposes too:



 March 31st, 2015

 " All ships of the Light forces inside of our Solar System are cloaked with a Tachyon membrane to avoid detection from the surface of the planet "



 How does a mothership cloak itself and its energy from remote viewers?

OK.  Mothership has a so-called tachyon membrane around which means that the tachyon membrane is not just a membrane of the physical plane.  It is a membrane which cloaks the energy structure of the ship on all planes of creation so every energy that comes towards the ship simply gets teleported from one side of the membrane of the ship to the other side of the membrane of the ship and that would make the ship invisible, also for remote viewers.


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