Mainstream News & Papers on Tachyons

 A handful of news articles were published this year from certain findings made by a recent team:

To expand and provide some of the interesting details here are a few quotes from some of those articles findings:


 July 15, 2024

  • could play a more significant role in our understanding of the universe and its causal structure than scientists previously realized.
  • could also help shed light on remaining questions regarding our understanding of the quantum world.
  •  theorized to be born at speeds that already exceed light.
  • The idea of such superluminal particles has its origins in theoretical studies conducted back in the 1960s by physicist Gerald Feinberg...a theoretical framework for how these proposed particles might come to be has been developed over the decades, occasionally resulting in some rather strange paradoxes.
  •  tachyons may effectively be capable of sending information backward in time, giving rise to bizarre conditions under which cause and effect could theoretically become reversed.
  •  new research is revealing that despite the implications of their existence, these bizarre hypothetical particles may be compatible with the special theory of relativity and could also help offer physicists significant new insights into quantum theory.
  •  The new findings could potentially also upend long-held notions about the unlikelihood of superluminal particles, suggesting that tachyons might even play a crucial role in the formation of matter.
  • the physics team recognized that all these apparent challenges to the existence of tachyons can be derived from a common root problem. 
  •  each of the previously recognized constraints on the existence of tachyons could be resolved, allowing these hypothetical particles to become mathematically consistent despite their obvious strangeness.
  • all previously cited difficulties disappeared, rendering current tachyon theories mathematically consistent. This approach suggests that in order to calculate the probability of a quantum process involving tachyons, one must consider both its past initial state and its future final state.
  • some of the apparent paradoxes that arise from the bizarre nature of tachyons are already staples of physics, despite sounding at times more like science fiction.
  • “The idea that the future can influence the present instead of the present determining the future is not new in physics,” Dragan says. “However, until now, this type of view has at best been an unorthodox interpretation of certain quantum phenomena, and this time we were forced to this conclusion by the theory itself.”
  • Of particular intrigue is the discovery of a new kind of quantum entanglement. This could mean that tachyons may be more than just mathematical constructs and could potentially also be observed.
  • Ultimately, tachyons could be recognized as essential components of the spontaneous symmetry-breaking process responsible for the formation of matter, thereby serving an important role in the fundamental structure of the universe



April 17th, 2024

  •  The universe may be dominated by particles that break causality and move faster than light, new paper suggests
  • physicists have proposed a radical idea: Invisible particles called tachyons, which break causality and move faster than light, may dominate the cosmos
  • Could the cosmos be dominated by particles that move faster than the speed of light? This model of the universe agrees surprisingly well with observations, a pair of physicists has discovered.
  • However, that's only the beginning. We now have access to a wealth of data about the large-scale universe, like the cosmic microwave background (remnant radiation released just after the Big Bang) and the arrangement of galaxies at the very largest scales. The next step is to continue testing this idea against those additional observations.
  • continuing to push in new, even unorthodox, directions is important in cosmology; we never know when we might get a breakthrough.



Lastly to mention, the following have released papers on tachyons, likely many more however as more is found they will be added to the list below:


RAND Corporation



1992 University of Melbourne 



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